Kilmany Horticultural Services have experience in:
Our most popular requests are for….
plus much more.
Evening Roddy,
The steps look fantastic. The colours are lovely, especially when wet!
Many thanks again for a great job.
Hi Roddy,
The front and back garden at St Mary’s looks great now. It will be so much easier to maintain, and the gardens look so neat and bigger.
James and John have worked very hard and are a credit to
We will definitely recommend you to other people.
The whole process has gone very smoothly and on behalf of the Rector and church members, we would like to say, ‘A big thank you’.
Kind regards
Thanks James and John for their diligent work in our garden.
Beech hedge neatly trimmed.
Birch tree beautifully shaped.
Lawn well scarified.
Dilapidated raised beds removed.
Well constructed new raised beds in place - to last our lifetime.
Hi Roddy,
I just wanted to let you know that I am delighted with the professional way the men worked yesterday.
Kind regards,
Hi Roddy,
I hope this finds you well!
Thank you for the excellent and very thorough tidy-up that our garden received from you and your team. Sarah and I wish you and yours a great New Year. We also hope that you’ll soon be fully fit again!
Very best wishes,